Home Care Services in Managalore

Home Care Services in Managalore

The concept of homecare is steadily gaining momentum in India, and the demand for healthcare at home is on the rise, including in Mangalore. As life expectancy improves, there has been a noticeable increase in the population over the age of 60, leading to a greater need for specialized care. Additionally, with families becoming smaller and many elderly parents in Mangalore now living alone, they are left with no caregivers. Home care services in Mangalore play a crucial role in addressing these evolving healthcare needs and promoting a better quality of life for our aging population. Home care services in Mangalore cater to these specific needs and provide essential support for our elderly citizens.

In India, however homecare is in its nascent stage as compared to western countries.

+91 8095051111
Home Care Services In Mangalore

Doctor at Home

Unity team of expert,
specialized doctors

Home Care Services in Mangalore

Nurse at Home

Compassionate and
skilled nursing staff.

Home Care Services in Mangalore

Investigations at Home

Sample collection and
Vaccination Administration

Home Care Services in Mangalore

Medical Equipmentat Home

Rent & Purchase equipment

Some of the reason why people are opting for home are:

Continuum of care

The need for better quality post-operative and primary care beyond hospitals in order to improve long-term outcomes post procedure. Non-communicable diseases which are chronic in nature, requiring long-term monitoring and regular interventions to keep them on track.

Family structure

With the growing number of nuclear families, with greater urban and even international migration, the elderly are left with no caregivers.

Quality of life

People are now looking not just at longevity, but also the quality of life. Apart from complex medical procedures, if these don’t significantly improve, quality of life would remain a small attitude among the elite. Rather than seek aggressive medical intervention, many are opting for symptom management at home.


A changing consumer mindset is now trending towards comparing healthcare with other services, with access to healthcare at the place and time of their convenience.
Homecare or home-based healthcare is thus a solution that is increasingly better suited for the times we live in.

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